Privacy Statement

CMLR Horizons Limited trading as Charity Horizons 
At Charity Horizons we take your privacy and the processing of personal information seriously. We strive to operate a responsible business and are committed to ensuring you are confident that we will protect the information you provide. 
Our Privacy Policy details how and why we collect and process your information, our storage and retention processes, and your rights under Data Protection law. Below is a summary of the key points. The full policy is available here  
The Data Controller is CMLR Horizons Limited. Our Data Protection Register Number is: A8627327. The Data Protection Officer is Leanne Roberts. 
Personal details we may request from you include your name, telephone number, email address employment history. We may also request more sensitive personal information such as criminal convictions or any other information in order to process your application for a specific role. 
This information is held, used and disclosed by us in order to provide recruitment or consultancy services to you. This includes enabling you to submit your CV for general applications, submitting your CV for specific jobs or to subscribe to email job alerts.
As part of our service we may match your details with specific job vacancies, in order to assist us in finding a position that is suited to you and your career aspirations. We may send your personal information to potential clients in order to register interest for a role. We will never send your CV or any personal information without contacting you first to obtain your consent. 
In the course of your engagement with us, there may be an option to subscribe to newsletters or job alerts. You have the right to unsubscribe at any time and details how to do so will be made available to you at the time you register. 
We may also process information we obtain through third parties or publicly available sources (e.g. via social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter) in order to match you to a suitable role. , depending on your privacy settings. 
We will retain a record of our interactions with you throughout our engagement on our secure CRM system.
Once you have registered with us, it is in the legitimate business interest of Charity Horizons to keep your details for up to 3 years following initial engagement. If we have not found a suitable role for you or engaged with you for a period of 3 years we will contact you to check whether you would like us to retain your information. If you do not reply, we will delete your details. 
Under data protection law you have rights regarding what you can ask us to do with your data and how to make a complaint. Full details are available in our Privacy Policy.

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